EU&CULTURE second training session

EU&CULTURE at the Université de l’Engagement

EU&CULTURE won a place at the Institut de l’Engagement in its creativity creation branch. The Institute is organising pluri-annual seminars called Universités de l’Engagement that bring together all members of a promotion. At this occasion, several days of conferences, meetings and workshops are organised. A moment of friendliness and team spirit.

On 28th October 2018, for its 28th Université de l’Engagement, the Institute organised a serie of workshops. EU&CULTURE led one, ‘Startup Europe: an opportunity for young graduates’. The general topic covered the details of the student-entrepreneur’s application, the entrepreneur’s national diploma, and the existing French and European programmes for young entrepreneurs. Warm thanks to the Institut de l’Engagement !


An introduction to…

Institut de l’Engagement

A French non-profit organization dedicated to the support and valuation of civic commitments.

  • – A strong team spirit and a community accessible after a national civic mission 
  • – 3 main branches: resumption of studies, profesionnal insertion and creativity creation
  • – Tailored consulting, pluri-annual events, workshops and networking